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Zodiac Signs | 2 Min. Reading duration

Zodiac Sign Gemini and Zodiac Sign Taurus

Taurus & Gemini - Peace and Comfort? Not Really!

With its iron constancy and loyalty, with its rough edges, the fluttering zodiac sign Gemini can face its limits with the Taurus. But the Gemini who is willing to change also knows how to make the Taurus nervous. That can be an obstacle. Where things can't move fast enough for the Gemini, the calm Taurus doesn't want to be rushed, and the Taurus usually can't tolerate the Gemini's need to take every opportunity to flirt. It sees it as a no-go that doesn't belong in a relationship. 

Their Preferences Separate Them

Generally, the question of where these zodiac signs might meet arises. Well, maybe at work, but otherwise the Taurus is someone who prefers to spend its free time at home – the exact opposite of the Gemini. In this respect, there are hardly any points of overlap, which makes a relationship quite difficult.

taurus and gemini special offer

Gemini Man and Taurus Woman

A Small Chance of Growth

Over all, little can be said about the two. Great differences in nature do not favor this relationship. When they flirt, the Taurus woman can sometimes quickly have too much with the Gemini man. She also does not want constant ventures. She is sociable, but likes to stay at home, which the Gemini man cannot and does not want in the long run. That's where two very different expectations of a relationship collide. If, contrary to expectations, they do date each other and learn to love each other, they can of course benefit from each other. The Gemini will lure them out of the house more and the studious Gemini will learn discipline and organization from the zodiac sign Taurus. This certainly won't do him any harm.

Gemini Woman and Taurus Man

A Friendship is Worthwhile As Well

A relationship should be well thought out, because if they are not willing to tolerate their partner, then the great love will not happen to neither her, nor him. With a Taurus man, however, the Gemini lady has a faithful companion by her side. A real friendship can develop from this. Since the Taurus man tends to be very jealous, the unattached Gemini woman is not really for him. Here, a friendship probably makes the most sense for both. In this constellation, they are more willing to accept and tolerate small mistakes than in a relationship where both have different expectations of their partner.


  • Profession & Career
  • Love & Partnership
  • The Gemini Man
  • The Gemini Woman
  • Gemini Constellation


  • Gemini & Aquarius
  • Gemini & Pisces
  • Gemini & Aries
  • Gemini & Taurus
  • Gemini & Gemini
  • Gemini & Cancer
  • Gemini & Leo
  • Gemini & Virgo
  • Gemini & Libra
  • Gemini & Scorpio
  • Gemini & Sagittarius
  • Gemini & Capricorn

everything about the taurus

  • Profession & Career
  • Love & Partnership
  • The Taurus Man
  • The Taurus Woman
  • Taurus Constellation

The Partners of Taurus

  • Taurus & Aquarius
  • Taurus & Pisces
  • Taurus & Aries
  • Taurus & Taurus
  • Taurus & Gemini
  • Taurus & Cancer
  • Taurus & Leo
  • Taurus & Virgo
  • Taurus & Libra
  • Taurus & Scorpio
  • Taurus & Sagittarius
  • Taurus & Capricorn
  • Zodiac Sign Aquarius
  • Zodiac Sign Pisces
  • Zodiac Sign Aries
  • Zodiac Sign Taurus
  • Zodiac Sign Gemini
  • Zodiac Sign Cancer
  • Zodiac Sign Leo
  • Zodiac Sign Virgo
  • Zodiac Sign Libra
  • Zodiac Sign Scorpio
  • Zodiac Sign Sagittarius
  • Zodiac Sign Capricorn