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Autumn constellations

Learn which constellations you can see in the autumn

These constellations you can see during autumn

The autumn constellations are those best observed in the night sky from late September to late December in the northern hemisphere and from late March to late June in the southern hemisphere.

Autumn is a good time to see a number of notable constellations, including Aquarius, Aries, and Pisces, and the constellations of the Perseus family: Andromeda, Perseus, Cassiopeia, Pegasus, Triangulum, Cetus, and Cepheus. The W of Cassiopeia, the large square of Pegasus, and the zigzag shape of Lacerta make them easy to find.

zodiac constellations

  • Aquarius Constellation
  • Aries Constellation
  • Capricornus Constellation
  • Cancer Constellation
  • Gemini Constellation
  • Leo Constellation
  • Libra Constellation
  • Pisces Constellation
  • Sagittarius Constellation
  • Scorpius Constellation
  • Taurus Constellation
  • Virgo Constellation

most famous constellations

  • Aquila Constellation
  • Auriga Constellation
  • The Big Dipper Asterism
  • Bootes Constellation
  • Canis Major Constellation
  • Canis Minor Constellation
  • Cassiopeia Constellation
  • Corona Borealis Constellation
  • Cygnus Constellation
  • Hercules Constellation
  • Leo Minor Constellation
  • Little Dipper Asterism
  • Orion Constellation
  • Pegasus Constellation
  • Perseus Constellation
  • Ursa Major Constellation
  • Ursa Minor Constellation


  • Constellations in spring
  • Constellations in summer
  • Constellations in autumn
  • Constellations in winter